Dreams & Symbols
A Spiritual Experience
*the content on this site is constantly altered or adjusted to better reflect my experience*
Lobster Symbolism - Soulmates
I write rarely. This isn't because I have nothing to say, but because I find it very difficult to get all of this out of me.
A dream pops up. One I had recently.
It was night time - as usual. I was crossing a stone bridge. I was with S.. I think we were holding hands. I was apologizing to her. I felt guilty for her experience that night. I felt guilty, because I lived through it all before. I lived through exactly that, long before I even met her. This time around though, I never lost her from my sight. Apologizing to her felt right, and wrong at the same time. I did my best in that circumstance, but I still feared my best was not enough.
In the next sequence of my dream, I was on a busy street. It was a beautiful, but rather stereotypical urban landscape. It seemed to be morning now. Around this time in my life, this was one of the few dreams set in a light filled environment. The street I was on was crowded with all sorts of shops, and restaurants. I ended up in what looked like a tiny East Asian restaurant. I felt the restaurant was one of those hidden gems. I went to the counter wanting to order something to eat. Behind the counter was a man who seemed to wear an apron - the owner maybe. He was busy with a cupboard somewhere above, opposite the counter. All of a sudden, a pile of lobsters fell out of the cupboard that was above the counter.
I woke up.