Reasoning Behind the Idea that Me and A. Have the Same Exact Soul

A Spiritual Experience of One Soul in Two Distinct Bodies

 *the content on this site is constantly altered or adjusted to better reflect my experience*


List of Evidence

  • In aprox 1998 I have a precognitive dream of what was to be my and A.'s 2nd encounter. While as I was dreaming I am aware I am dreaming my future, I dismiss such a possibility, and due to various factors surrounding this dream, I label it as a nightmare, and the man in my dream - A. - as the Devil.
  • BDSM/Tantric sex/Twin Flames In 2003, the day before having that dream I found myself googling tantric sex, but since the internet wasn't what it is today, I only found an article on twin flames with little info on tantric sex. I remember feeling the concept of twin flames was a lovely idea, but I dismissed it as a myth. Every single time I found myself reading on the subject of twin flames - 3 times in my entire life - are all connected to A. 1st time before having the precognitive dream of the 1st time we met. 2nd time shortly before I met A. 3rd time after I met A.
  • In 2003 I have a preconitive dream of what was to be my and A.'s 1st encounter. Once again during the dream I am aware I am dreaming a future experience, and once again I dismiss the possibility.
  • In 2003 I was masturbating to the memory of A. from my dream. A day after that dream, in 2003, I masturbared to the memory of the man in my dream, as I called A. then. I also remember observing that my interest in tantric sex was replaced by an interest in BDSM, which eventually led to me being in the club I met A. I found myself having an interest in BDSM some time before the dream, but stumbled upon some erotica that wasn't my jam, and thought my idea of what BDSM was and wasn't, was incorrect. After masturbating to the memory of the man in my dream - A. - I felt that man was everything I didn't even know I wanted.
  • In 2014 I become aware of the ability for precognition. In 2014 as I was living in London, I become aware I was in the same environment, experiencing the very same circumstance I experienced in a dream I'd had 4 years earlier, whilst living in Romania. This dream featured 3 versions of events of that very same circumstance. This triggered an existential crisis, and pushed me to have all sorts of questions about God's nature and existence.
  • On 11th of March 2015 I have a spiritual experience. On 11th of March 2015, as I was wanting to identify as an Atheist, I found myself experiencing what felt like a direct connection to God. It was a profoundly emotional experience that triggered tears of both joy and sadness. I was happy to have found God, and was sad to realise I had never truly believed in God's existence.
  • My spiritual experience triggers me to open up to the idea of twin flames. In the past, couples calling each other 'my other half' would have me roll my eyes, but this spiritual experience triggers me to open up to the idea of two people sharing the same soul. I actively start desiring to meet that person, if that person exists.
  • On 18th/19th of April 2015 I meet A.M. I meet A.M. in a BDSM club. As my night was unfolding, I kept thinking it would be lovely to share the experience with the other half of my soul, as I was imagining he must be into the same type of stuff as I am. I end up going to A.'s house because the woman I was with took a liking to the man A. was with. I had never done something like this before, in the entirety of my life, as I was scared of men I didn't know. Being fresh after my spiritual experience, I was high as a kite on Love, and felt untouchable by harm. At A.'s house, I become aware of having experienced that exact circumstance in a traumatic dream I had at 17 yo, in 2003.
  • A. and I's connection when we met. When we met, me and A. seemed to have a strong connection, which had A. telling me he fell in love with me, reassuring me I wasn't just another woman, and asking me to be in a relationship with him, and even feeling the need to downright say 'I love you', despite him being angry with me. All of this was post-intimacy. He also observed we were very much alike.
  • On 2something of April 2015 I meet A. for the second time only to find myself reliving yet another precognitive dream I had labelled as a nightmare; the dream I had in 1998. In 2013 as I was recounting this particular dream to a friend I said : 'The Devil was sat on a red velvet chaise longue, across from me.' Finding myself re-living yet another dream caused me a lot of visible distress, and despite being aware of the irrationality of my fear, I was overwhelmed by it the entirety of the night. While I was scared, I tried to push through my fear and recounted to A. my spiritual experience, as I tried to build up to my reasoning behind the idea that we have the same soul.
  • Intense fears being triggered. My biggest fear was triggered the moment I met A., as for reasons that had nothing to do with him, I grew up labelling the man in my dream (A.) the Devil. What I assume to have been A.'s biggest fears were triggered by my touching on the subject of the spiritual experience I'd had a month prior. I was touching on the subject in an attempt to show A. my reasoning behind the belief we had the same soul, as well as from a desire to protect myself, just in case.
  • BDSM/Erotism Aside from the fact that we met in a BDSM club, the second time we met, A. tells me he is into erotic stuff. Shortly before tantric sex, I had an interest in BDSM, but having stumbled upon some erotica that wasn't my jam, I looked for other ways to define my sexuality.
  • A. never contradicts and indirectly acknowledges my claims. I kept in touch with A. over the years via email, and A. kept being short, vague and ambiguous whenever he found himself replying. In 2017, he says 'I understand the connection and how it evolved.'. In 2018, he says 'I wasn't ignoring you before, but it was very intense. Let's keep in touch without the intensity.'. In 2022 after having sent him an email containing the two precognitive dreams that led to my reasoning we have the same soul, he liked tweets such as 'The truth has one face.', 'You can't wake up someone who's been pretending to be asleep all along.', 'Leave space between yourself and the trigger.', 'Women knew everything from the start.'. In 2023, despite having only met me twice, during a brief exchange he says 'I do care for you.', and 'I will always be here.'

There are other observations I made that I won't mention out of consideration for both A. and B..