Precognitive Dreams of the Experience of Meeting A. - 12 & 17 y.o.

A Spiritual Experience

 *the content on this site is constantly altered or adjusted to better reflect my experience*

Context & Introduction

Growing up I had a lot of nightmares. Because I had so many nightmares I developed the ability to lucid dream. If, as I was dreaming, I became aware I was merely having a dream, I could gain some control. I could consciously strive to wake up, and thus escape those frightening scenarios. Many of these nightmares featured what I labelled as a dark entity - The Devil - in the form of a dark-haired man, about A's height, with black eyes, and full lips. I couldn't clearly remember his face in my awake state, and all I was always left with was a type

I didn't know if that man was indeed the Devil, but due to the level of fear I was experiencing in his presence this label seemed to fit, and I ran with it. This Entity/Devil would constantly taunt, and threaten me. He would tell me he was going to get me eventually, that I was going to be his, and other variations of this kind. Plenty of times there was quite a lot of lust involved.

Because these dreams/nightmares were emotionally intense, they remained rather vivid in my memory. I can still recount most, if not all of them even today.

After plenty of analysis, I can safely conclude I experienced these dreams through my then - years old -consciousness.

I will refer to A. as 'the man'/'the man in my dream', because this is how my memory registered A. in those dreams. Every single detail about the circumstances, and A.'s house were exactly the same in the reality A. & I shared in 2015, as they were in this dream I had in 2003. This was the case for the dream pertaining to the 2nd night we met as well.

Since the dreams were vivid, and emotionally intense which meant they lingered, I can also remember details of my daily life, and events surrounding them. This helps me place them in time with precision.

The dream of the first night I met A., which I had in 2003 covered the entire version of events of the reality A. and I shared in 2015. Our shared reality was somewhat different than the experience I had in my dream, because I consciously chose to make different choices either out of curiosity, because I was wanting to prevent a certain outcome, or in trying to conquer my fears. The dream of the second time we met, which I had in 1997 or 1998 was rather short, and covered a very small portion of events from the reality A. and I shared in 2015. 

So there is no room for interpretation, I will say that I am not claiming that every single dream with the man I had labelled the Devil were dreams with A.. While I do see that as a possibility, I also see other possible explanations. For this reason, I can only speak on these two dreams in particular.