Dreams & Symbols

A Spiritual Experience of One Soul in Two Distinct Bodies

I Have Your Phone

This is a dream I had about three or four nights ago now. For some reason it feels significant.

The environment in the first sequence of my dream is a little blurry. It seems to be a busy market. Colourful and busy. That much I can tell. There is also this sensation I have, of maybe being on a rooftop, or something related to a rooftop. I can't quite put my finger on it. I was with A. We kissed, and there seemed to be a closeness between us. I am mentioning this to give some context regarding our connection and relationship in my dream. 

In the next sequence I was at a stand in the market. I was alone, and I wanted to call A.. When I reached for my phone, I realised his phone was in my pocket as well. It was a very strange looking Iphone, judging by the icons. It was quite narrow, and with rather thick bezels.

The dream ended with me holding both my and his phone in my hands.